Saturday, March 15, 2008


Over the past few weeks I have been studying non stop to pass my written exam for the police. I have been reading multiple test prep books, training, doing memory exercises, and learning about police history to prepare myself for the exam. I focused on areas that I was deficient in as well as refreshed areas where I already excelled in so that I could ace the test.

The test took place in Hoffman Hall at Portland State, a building I have been very familiar with these past few years as many of my science courses were held there. I was prepared, confident, and in a pretty comfortable setting. I AM GOING TO PASS! All of a sudden the real test begins, and I am completely OVERWHELMED. Oh man it sucked. I feel like I performed quite well, but it is hard to walk away confident.

After the test, I walk out and the sun that was once shining had been replaced with a heavy rain storm. I then check my messages and see that my friend who I planned to take to the Blazer game ended up flaking out on me again (it's pretty typical of her), but that is another story. It seemed like everything was against me at that point, but I refused to let the weather, Jeni, and my confidence get the best of me. I was determined to not let anything prevent me from enjoying the game. When I got to the Rose Garden and I flipped open the Rip City Magazine and saw...

Cool eh?

It's such a relief that one of the biggest hurdles for me this year is behind me. I am also nearing the end of my treatment for my motor vehicle accident as well. It is so great to finally be able to go back to normal life as I remember (actually I forgot what it was like) it.