Friday, April 11, 2008

At last!

I have just received word today that I am officially a Sheriff Deputy. I AM SO EXCITED! These past three months I have spent countless hours studying, researching, training, and preparing for this job. I have been nervous during each step of the process. There has been countless interviews, tests, background checks, unofficial hires, and now, finally an OFFICIAL HIRE. Originally, I was told I would start sometime in early July, but I was just told that my official start date will be May 19th. I'm not sure what kind of programs and schedules they will have me doing the next few months, but I was hoping on going on a trip before I started the job. Since my start date is about 6 weeks earlier, I may have to postpone this trip.

1 comment:

Kelsey Ann said...

I am way excited for you! Keep me posted on the happenings. And CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!