Thursday, April 10, 2008

Music to my ears

It's been awhile since I last wrote. I've been so busy with life that yesterday was my first chance to relax. Long story short, I bought tickets to Ingrid Michaelson a few months back for someone who is really into her music. Since then I kinda stopped talking to that person and instead of letting the tickets go to waste I took one of my favorite people instead, Dee. Well the concert was in a very small venue called the Wonder Ballroom that seated a lil over 700 people. It was my first 'indie' concert. All the other acts were great (with the exception of one). Everyone was extremely talented and wrote heartfelt lyrics. All the performers were extremely funny in between songs as well. I have to say that I didn't know any of the other performers other than Ingrid, but I came away falling in love with Meiko. LOL. Her talking voice was just so sweet. She was funny, and had really creative lyrics as well. All in all the concert was great, and Ingrid was awesome. I look forward to seeing them again another time.

Dee and Me

Meiko performing

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